Mum’s bedtime ritual – Reconnect with Your Body and Soul: Uncover the Secrets to Achieving Deep Sleep.
Mum’s Bedtime Ritual is designed for mothers with small children who want to reconnect to their bodies and souls, enjoy a deep sleep and gather with other like-minded mothers.
Inside this course we will share different yoga and meditation practices but also some different tools that may help you navigate through a journey toward greater wellbeing, empowerment, and self-discovery – for ourselves, our families, and our community.
Contact & further information :
Renée Fretz, Coordinatrice régionale
erarr.sergm@zra.yh / rygrersbehz.avrqrenaira@zra.yh
Tél.: 621 108 321
Dirk Falkenstein, Coordinateur régional
qvex.snyxrafgrva@zra.yh / rygrersbehz.yberagmjrvyre@zra.yh
Tél.: 621 520 403