Parents pour parents : Paintcafé – Atelier de peinture pour parents et enfants 4-12 ans (LU/FR/DE/EN)

Paintcafé – Painting workshop for parents and kids

The idea is to create a bigger sized painting with a group of parents together with their kids – the wall proposed in Lorentzweiler is about 2.6×2.2m.

We draw a forest with objects or animals on canvas/paper which can be painted by the participants.

Trees, mushrooms and some background would be painted in advance.

Afterwards the participants can each paint an animal on the picture.

Parents and older kids can fill up a drawing or younger kids could use halved potatoes dipped in paint with the help of their parents.


Information & contact :

Dirk Falkenstein, Coordinateur régional


Tél.: 621 520 403

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