Babywearing Workshop (EN)

Babywearing workshop

This workshop is suitable for children from pregnancy onwards.

The baby carrier consultant will demonstrate how to put on individual types of baby carriers (*except slings and ring slings). Since baby carriers are suitable for babies beyond the baby stage, baby carriers are also available for small children.

The course participants can try on the baby carriers as they please and test them with a doll, and finally with their child.
The baby carrier consultant will be there to help them throughout the workshop.
At the end of the course, the participants will receive the exact details of the baby carrier they have chosen and addresses where they can buy it.

The workshop covers the following points:

– Physiology of carrying and the spread-squat position in relation to baby carriers

– Duration and sequence of the carrying period

– Carrying according to the season

– Carrying in the baby carrier on the stomach and on the back


– creates closeness, security and trust

– strengthens the bond between parents and their baby

– integrates babies into everyday family life from the very beginning

– encourages quick responses to the baby’s needs

– can reduce baby crying by around 40%

– stimulates the baby’s sense of balance

– relieves the burden on parents (both hands free, healthy back posture, enables you to look after siblings, do housework, …)

– creates barrier-free movement options (on playgrounds, on buses and trains, when walking)

– calms babies naturally, through the pleasant rocking

– is natural, because human babies are carried

– promotes healthy maturation of the hips

– supports the baby’s digestion


Good to know : Your child is very welcome at the workshop.


Further questions and information :

Pascal Dickes, Coordinateur régional


Tél.: 621 108 276


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