Literacy activities at home: languages, resources and interactions

In this event in English and French, we share the current research-based knowledge on literacy activities at home and give examples of studies in a relaxed, family-friendly workshop. Children of all ages welcome!

10:00 Literacy activities at home: languages, resources and interactions (in English, Gabrijela Aleksić )

10:00 Activités de littératie à la maison :langues, ressources et interaction (en français, Natalia Duruș)

10:30 Informal networking with drinks and food
11:00 Drop-in sessions:

  • Examples of literacy activities at home (Gabrijela Aleksić & Natalia Durus)
  • Examples of multiliteracies in crèches (Claudine Kirsch)

11:30 Informal networking with drinks and food


Send an e-mail before 10 January : pynhqvar.xvefpu@hav.yh

The event is a joint initiative of BilingualismMatters@Luxembourg and the projects HOMELY (Aleksić) & COMPARE (Kirsch)

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