Webinaire : Teenagers and digital media – Is everything (still) ok ? (EN)

For parents, it is not easy to accompany your children/teens in the jungle of digital media. Nowadays, digital media are part of everyday life, at school or at work, and it is almost impossible to do without them. Even though they have many positive aspects, it is especially the duration of their use that provokes discussions within families. The Centre for excessive behaviour and behavioural addictions (ZEV) invites you to discuss/give information about the following points

– Why are digital media so fascinating?

– Why is it important not to immediately talk about addiction?

– What can be done when it is already « difficult »?

– How can we prevent excessive use of digital media?

For parents of children aged 10-18 years.

Intervention :  Marc Bressler, psychologist, psychotherapist (ZEV)

Further information : rygrerfpubhy@xnaarefpuynff.yh



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