Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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Pregnancy to 3 years old
Eltereforum Bertrange | Eltereschoul
Intervenant de l’activité
Verschidden Intervenants / Différents intervenants
Coût de l’activité


Krabbelgrupp thematesch mat der Eltereschoul – Ouni Stress um Iessdësch! (LU/FR)


Wann Eltere vu “Stress um Iessdësch” schwätzen, ass dat meeschtens wann d’Kanner mat um Dësch sëtzen. Firwat ësst mäi Kand léiwer Schockela wéi Geméis? Wéi reagéieren, wann e Kand ganz wieleresch beim Iessen ass? Wéi gëtt e Kand iwwerhaapt zum “gudden Éisser”? Wéi wichteg si Manéieren um Dësch? Wat kann ee probéieren, dass dës gemeinsam Momenter beim Iessen ërem an enger flotter Atmosphär stattfannen?


Pour les parents, le “stress à table” a lieu le plus souvent, lorsque les enfants sont présents.  Pourquoi mon enfant préfère-t-il le chocolat aux légumes? Mon enfant est très sélectif au niveau de la nourriture. Comment les enfants deviennent-ils de “bons mangeurs”? Quelle place faut-il accorder aux bonnes manières à table? Existe-t’il des petites astuces pourque ces moments de repas se passent dans une atmosphère agréable pour chacun?


Contact & Information :

Pascal Dickes (Coordinateur régional)


Tél. : 621 108 277



Protection of personal data

The data collected on our site can only come from the voluntary entry of your personal data, for example by using the contact form or by registering for one of the activities organised by Eltereforum. Please note that this data will only be stored on the RESTENA server for as long as necessary* and will not be disclosed to third parties. Nor will this data be used for commercial purposes.

You have the right to request a file containing all the personal data we hold about you. You may also request the rectification of incorrect personal data and the deletion of some or all of your personal data when the storage of such data is no longer necessary. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, unless the processing is motivated by a serious and compelling legitimate interest.

You also have the right to request that your personal data be sent to you. At your request, this personal data may also be sent to a third party.

* Duration of storage of your personal data

If you register for one of the activities at Eltereforum, we may store your personal data from the time of registration until the 30th day after the event. This data is necessary to enable us to contact you for organisational reasons. (For example: changes in the course of the activities, cancellation of the activity or similar).

Contact information

If you have any queries about your personal data, please contact us at qcb@zra.yh.