Pregnancy to 3 years old
Parent Meetings
Eltereforum Lorentzweiler
Krabbelgrupp thématique – Dire adieu aux couches. Soutenir les enfants pour devenir propre (FR)
Themed toddler group
Organiser: Eltereforum Lorentzweiler | Eltereschoul
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Hesperange
Organiser: Eltereforum Hesperange
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Bettembourg
Kleng Paus am Familljenalldag a Spillzäit fir Kanner / Pause café et petits plaisirs en famille
A little break from family routine and playtime for kids
Organiser: Eltereforum Bettembourg
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Bertrange
Spill a Beweegung : 9 Méint – 18 Méint (LU/DE/FR/EN)
Organiser: Eltereforum Bertrange
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Parenting classes
Eltereforum Bertrange
First aid for children (EN)
Organiser: Eltereforum Bertrange | Croix-Rouge
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Ettelbruck
COMPLET: Babymassage (DE/LU)
Organiser: Eltereforum Ettelbruck | Initiativ Liewensufank
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Lorentzweiler
Play-memories indoor (LU/FR/DE/EN)
Organiser: Eltereforum Lorentzweiler | Sécher digital
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Luxembourg Pfaffenthal - Panorama Lift
Poussettentreff am Wanter
Winter Stroller Walk
Organiser: Eltereforum Hesperange
4 to 12 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Luxembourg - Kockelscheuer P & R
Ku-Ki-Li-Co : Waldwichtel (DE/LU)
Organiser: ErwuesseBildung
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Parent Meetings
Eltereforum Marnach (nouvelle adresse)
Elterecafé (LU/FR/DE/EN)
Parent café
Organiser: Eltereforum Marnach
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Campaigns and information
Eltereforum Lorentzweiler
Entretien individuel (LU/DE/FR/EN)
Individual interview
Organiser: Eltereforum Lorentzweiler
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Themed evenings, talks and lectures
Eltereforum Esch-Belval
CANCELLED: Kids and teens on the internet – a challenge for parents (EN/LU)
Kids and teens on the internet - A challenge for parents
Organiser: Eltereforum Esch-Belval | Bee Secure | Sécher digital
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Bettembourg
Rencontre parents: De l’intimité à la parentalité, comment naviguer ensemble?
Organiser: Eltereforum Bettembourg | Prestataire indépendant
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Parent Meetings
Eltereforum Niederanven
Krabbelgrupp 0-12 Méint (LU/DE/FR/EN)
Toddler group
Organiser: Eltereforum Niederanven
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Parent Meetings
Esch-sur-Alzette - Eltereschoul Elterecafé
Elterecafé Eltereschoul – Esch-sur-Alzette (LU/FR/DE/EN)
Organiser: Eltereschoul
Pregnancy to 3 years old
4 to 12 years old
13 to 18 years old
Activities for parents with their children
Eltereforum Esch-Belval
Op e gemittleche Kaffi mat der Lëtzebuerger Literatur!
Luxembourgish literature circle / Cercle de lecture luxembourgeoise
Organiser: Eltereforum Esch-Belval | Université populaire Luxembourg
13 to 18 years old
Themed evenings, talks and lectures
Eltereforum Lorentzweiler
ANNULÉ Ech gesinn eppes, dat’s du net gesäis ! Strategien géint Falschnoriichten a Verschwierungstheorien (LU)
What do you think I see ? Strategies against fake news and conspiracy theories
Organiser: Eltereforum Lorentzweiler | Sécher digital | ZpB
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Parent Meetings
Eltereforum Ettelbruck
Spillgrupp 0-4 Joer (LU/FR/DE/EN)
Play group
Organiser: Eltereforum Ettelbruck
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Parenting classes
Eltereforum Bettembourg
Cours de massage bébé (FR) – Liste d’attente
Organiser: Eltereforum Bettembourg
Pregnancy to 3 years old
Parent Meetings
Eltereforum Bertrange
Krabbelgrupp (LU/DE/FR/EN)
Toddler group
Organiser: Eltereforum Bertrange
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